Posted: March 6, 2023

Do not miss out the 1st IEA SHC Solar Academy webinar 2023 about the Global Solar Certification Network and Solergy. You can join either on 21 March or 23 March depending on your world region.
The Solar Academy webinar will focus on the alliance between the Global Solar Certification Network (GSCN) and the collector label Solergy. During the webinar, you will learn about the latest achievements of the global implementation of the GSCN and Solergy. The webinar will conclude with first-hand experiences with GSCN and Solergy from a certifier and a manufacturer.

The speakers will be able to answer all questions regarding collector certification and labelling from the different point of views (from right to left): Dr Harald Drück (GSCN Chairman), Marisol Oropeza (co-founder of Solergy), Dr Stephan Fischer (Group Leader for Testing at IGTE in Germany), Shawn Martin (Vice President of SRCC in USA).
You can register for the 21 March webinar including Q&A here.
For the 23 March webinar a two-step registration is necessary for the rebroadcasted webinar ( the Live Q&A. (
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