
Solar Standards and Certification
Solar Standards and Certification
December 2018 - PDF 0.13MB
Publisher: IEA SHC Task 57
As 2018 comes to an end so does our most recent Task on Solar Standards and Certification. SHC Task 57 built on the work of Task 43 on Solar Rating and Certification Procedures to develop, improve and promote ISO standards on test procedures and requirements for solar thermal products as well as to harmonize at the international level certification schemes. It is this harmonization work that sets this Task apart from our other work and the work begin carried out by other organizations. Task 57 participants leveraged the SHC platform of international collaboration to push a global certification initiative to improve the harmonization of certification schemes and avoid the need for re-testing and re-inspection of solar thermal products.
Solar Rating & Certification
Solar Rating & Certification
Interview with Jan Erik Nielsen
May 2016 - PDF 0.12MB

The IEA SHC Programme wrapped up its work on Solar Rating & Certification (Task 43) in 2015, and in 2016 started a new Task on Solar Standards and Certification (Task 57). To get a better understanding of the impact of Task 43, we asked Jan Erik Nielsen, the Operating Agent, a few questions.